Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pictures of ME on a Goofy Easter

I decided to be a total goof today and take some pics of myself being silly. So without further ado... Enjoy my silliness!


katilady said...

Corrie, you are frickin' adorable!

Artefaque: (är'tə-fākt') * said...

You have an great sense of 'self' and 'fun' which is a stunning combination. :-)

Tammy Freiborg said...

I drew bunny ears, nose, and whiskers on my screen to add to your goofy Easter. Do you think your Spic and Span will remove the marks?

Mixed Media Martyr said...

Some people just have too much time on their hands!!! LOL!!

Kelly said...

you are funny. I did the same on my blog once too. I looked through some of your blog and girl, you are one talented lady. Your art is amazing and the best part is that the Lord is using your talent to touch others I am sure. GOd bless you on your creative journey through life.

Laura Kay said...

I had fun looking at your art work. Looks like you have fun with it!